Aboriginal and Worker of Colour
Our Local is supported by the struggles of working people -- including aboriginal/ workers of colour. This committee supports these communities by providing a safe environment to ensure they can play an active role in the search for fairness and justice within the Local or National union and the community.
The committee promotes a culture for human rights in our workplaces and society, to start or support local union and community initiatives, and defend policies of the union which promotes human rights. The committee coordinates Local anti-harassment initiatives, as well as complaint investigation and general human rights training programs which fight harassment and discrimination based on race, colour, sex, creed, sexual orientation, disability, religious beliefs or any other prohibited ground.
The committee gets the union's message out to the members and to the public through ongoing maintenance of the website and coordinating of the Local Newsletter.
The committee searches out ways of improving the by-laws and presents proposed changes to the General Membership. The committee meets upon request to develop recommendations. The committee is also available to advise members on constitution and by-law questions.
The Local Union is mandated to have an Education Committee to promote all aspects of education affecting the welfare of the members, the Union and the Labour movement. We make every reasonable effort to participate in the National Union’s education programs, and to promote training for local elected leaders at every level.
The Education Committee assesses the educational needs of the Local Union and works with the National Union to implement the programs. They manage the Local Bursary program and is also the information source for outside bursaries.
The election committee conducts all Local 1106 elections when called for. The date of an election is determined by either the President or Unit Chairperson and the Elections Committee chairperson. It is the responsibility of the elections committee to ensure the election is fair and to take charge of the nomination ballots, voting ballots, to count the votes and inform the membership of the results.
Voting takes place at the union hall The elections committee chairperson makes recommendations to the membership to ensure the integrity of the process is maintained. The committee shall have full charge of the elections process and is governed by the Local Bylaws and the Unifor Constitution.
This committee is made up of two executive officers plus two members at large as the regular members. Depending on the grievance the other participants to the committee are the unit chair from the unit that the grievance comes from. The role of the committee is to present a review of a grievance before they are sent to Arbitration.
Health and Safety, Environment
The Committee provides local H&S reps a place to compare notes and to educate the membership on improving health and safety in the workplaces of the Local. Environmental hazards are identified and are not confined to the workplace. Chemicals in our water supply and the high rates of cancer and birth defects are examples of links between the workplace and the outside community.
Through unions, workers have the legal right to bargain collectively with their employer, which can help establish a climate of a greater respect, dignity and make material gains to improve their standard of living. The organizing department helps workers organize their workplaces, to win bargaining rights and realize the benefits of union membership.
The Recreation Committee coordinates functions for friends and family to get together outside of the workplace.
Some of the events we have been involved in include:
Children’s Christmas party, Bingeman’s Summer Splash Day, Marineland, Toronto Zoo
This Committee works with the skilled trades workers in our Local on apprenticeship applications, and to educate the membership including the skilled trades about protective language covering situations relating to skilled trades and general skilled trades policy.
This committee is involved in political action on behalf of the membership. The committee provides the membership with objective information on issues that are important to their families, union and communities.
The Women's Committee mobilizes women on equality issues in the workplace and community. They develop women leadership and organize around common issues and fight for change. Mobilizing CAW women on equality issues and other union priorities strengthens the connection of women to the union, which means building a stronger movement as we fight for all our members rights.
The committee is about creating space for young people within the local to develop confidence, skills and knowledge to participate in union life and play a role in building our local union. It provide a "home base" from which young workers can build the confidence and skills necessary to become active in the local union standing committees, attend general union meetings, write union newsletter articles, develop relationships with the leadership and other union activists, communicate the importance of unions to students, and to work with other progressive organizations in the community to bring about peace, social justice and a healthy, sustainable environment and, more generally, to improve the lives of working people.